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Counselor Training

Our Mission

Glory to Glory Soul Care Ministries seeks to both train men and women to effectively minister God’s Word to the souls of His people and provide gospel saturated counsel to the Jackson-metro community.

Our Purpose

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 Paul speaks of how we as believers today do not, like Moses, veil away the glory of God. Instead, because of the indwelling Holy Spirit we freely portray the glory of Christ. But because we are not yet glorified, not yet fully exemplifying the holiness of God, we find ourselves in a process of sanctification. And as the Lord would have it, we grow in gradual degrees of glory until we are perfected at the Day of Christ. For much of the believer’s life, this gradual progression, from one degree of glory to another, is produced through consistently reading Scripture, praying, attending church and fellowshipping with other believers. But there are times when the cares of this world become too much. Whether succumbing to life dominating sins, grieving the loss of a loved one, struggling with mental illnesses, having a major life decision to make, or struggling with spiritual apathy or doubt, more intense care is needed to aide the glory-to-glory progression. For most, regular discipleship, the consistent fellowship and instruction of Scripture to a believer, prevents these life problems from growing too overbearing. But when regular discipleship is not enough, when the problems or trials are too much, God’s people need precise instruction, encouragement, and even reproof to help them. This is achieved through biblical counseling or biblical soul care.

 A sad reality of Christian churches, especially here in the South, is that Christians don’t understand, don’t see a need, or don’t feel they are capable of providing biblical counsel. And as a result many churches outsource people out to secular psychologists and therapists. But God tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that His Word is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work. This means that regardless of the problem, mental illness, sin, or anything else, God’s Word is sufficient to produce godly change so that a person better exemplifies the image of Christ in his or her life. So, when we as churches send out our people to receive secular counsel, at best it demonstrates a lack of training in how to use God’s Word to counsel the soul and at worse it declares that the Word of God is not sufficient to care for us in such a way as to produce godliness in one’s life. In light of this reality in the church, Glory to Glory Soul Care Ministries seeks to both train men and women to effectively minster God’s Word to the souls of His people and provide gospel saturated counsel to our community.

Counseling Program Update2

If you are interested in learning more or have any questions about Glory to Glory Soul Care     please email with Glory to Glory Soul Care in the subject line.